About Us

Finally... there's an e-boutique for fidgets! Welcome to the oasis for decompression toys for those coping with anxiety, ADHD, concentration struggles, autism, OCD, everyday stress, trying to quit bad habits, or just plain old boredom!

This boutique was created from the need to solve the seemingly incurable boredom of a 7 year old girl after her mom decided to ween her off of her intense ADHD and anxiety medication. There were no local or reliable online stores to shop for the type of toys they were looking for. Previous purchases were unsuccessful because the toys didn't hold her attention, were too big and bulky or had too many pieces to be carried around making them useless and inconvenient. So when her mother found an awesome supplier of a variety of quality, low cost toys that met her daughter's needs, she made a purchase and witnessed for herself the difference in her child's life. Her daughter quickly decided that they had to share these tiny game changers with everyone so, BOOM! Now we have Lani Rainbows Fidget Boutique making a difference in the lives of children, teens, and adults near and far!